Author: vboboe
Date: 2005-11-02 13:10
... helpful tuning comments there, thank you, and great to know that clarinet (presumably also saxophones) have similar tuning issues, sometimes we oboe players get lost in the jungle of double reed neurosis without realising single reeds struggle with same kind of problems
... think someone has said something important about the problems we have playing are within ourselves, i've found after a day's work and rushing off through traffic to lesson or band really tightens up my sound and my best mellow playing happens on relaxed Sunday morning home practice
... i presume 'airy' means note is light and thin and open, whether in pitch or not, if that's what you mean, and only A sounds like that maybe taking oboe in for adjustment might solve that one, although could also be air support issue?
... top C (top of pipe no octave) is the note i really really hate to play, it's usually very raw, it's in tune OK but tonally it never seems to blend in with any of the other notes on the instrument (although 2nd 8ve A comes close) still trying to figure out exactly what % combo of less upper lip, more lower lip, more air support, less air force, maybe roll-in or roll-out -- or whatever else -- really works to mellow it down and still dunno if any formula will work consistently on different reeds -- ughhh
... top Eb's a really scary note! -- there it is on the precipice of transition from half-hole to 1st 8ve, taunting us to play it either half-hole rolled over, or adjusted by lifting up if it's stuffy, either with air boost, and sometimes it sounds good there, think it depends on which reed is singing in the pipe
... and yet sometimes it sounds better on 1st octave key (closed half-hole) and that's when air pressure & embouchure seem to be the really big variables