Author: vboboe
Date: 2007-12-23 20:32
... well folks, after a few days away doing other things -- yes, the concert was Christmas celebration, about 90 minutes non-stop with readings, music, singers, audience participation -- a most memorable flugelhorn solo appealed to me, and oboe had two solos -- assistant principal (who usually plays E-horn) was in first oboe chair and is the first time i've had the opportunity to hear her playing style, quite different from principal, and i like both styles -- good mix of well-played classical, traditional, pop, humor, nice musical surprises and fun :-)
back at the ranch -- i tried the suction test and even after comparing my wood oboe with a plastic one (which did a good loud G# pop on the suction test and resisted a few seconds at 1st 8ve) i can't get a loud pop or resistance likewise on wooden top joint, G# resists briefly then opens fairly quickly and 1st 8ve just hesistates ever so slightly before opening (and it's oiled enough)
It's obviously oozing somewhere, but after a good long hard look under a mag glass at the top joint, can't find anything suspiciously like a real crack anywhere rather than just a grain-line. The grain-wise fissure is under 1st 8ve and doesn't actually go over the lip and into octave well, so there's no distortion there, the fissure was filled in spring-time
checked all the pads with cig paper, there's nothing obviously leaking
(although i find the F res is really soft by itself when only top joint notes are covered, the E tightens it up quite a bit)
my feeling is the Weird Reed just wasn't shaved thin enough in the 'missing note zones' on the reed itself, but will keep in mind your helpful comments (thank you all :-) in case something substantial develops later that isn't glaringly obvious now