Author: OboeAgain
Date: 2007-07-22 13:48
I've finally found some of the posts about the Gordet Oboe from the old IDRS list. Here is one that seems to sum up most of the information.
"Brian and anyone else interested,
Ben Storch was an early teacher of mine and I can verify that the instuments were indeed made in those countries. France - Chauvet, Germany - Kreul, Italy - Bulgheroni. It should be noted, though, that while they were made by those makers, Ben's design, which they followed, purposely had the bore too small. He did the finishing of the bore and tuning of each instrument himself. He told me that the name Gordet was an uncle of his who lived in Paris, hence the label Gordet Paris-New York. The different vintages of Gordets kept that label, but if my memory is correct, I think they were stamped Made in (the appropriate country).
Bob Weiner"