Author: bandito
Date: 2006-03-22 03:49
Hello GaryT1957 and stevensfo !
I realized the misplacement of F# key just because I had to unmount it during the attempt to unstuck RH F key . For C link I mean that link ( they are two link, really ) connecting F# key with upper joint of the instrument and that allow to play C with both index down. This last misplacement does not impact functionality of the key , just is a bad mechanic ( a comparing picture with an other oboe should explain all, I'm not sure how to post a pic ) .
Yes my Barrington has a bell ring and on the bell you can read Barrington Inc, engraved together with a almost unreadeable serial number.
I buyed the horn used from a private ( from USA ) but this don't matter : the problem was not about worn pad, screws to tune and so on: in addition to inaccurate mount of mechanics basically there was 'many' axles almost longer than the space between the pillar they had to fit into , and this forced me to file the axles to allow keys return under spring action .
IMHO no private misuse of the instrument can make the brass grow: the previous owner of the instrument cannot be blamed for that ( he was to blame to have asserted that the instrument was perfectly playable, but this is a different story...;-).
In Italy the same instrument is sold on Ebay as a new instrument under the brand Wisemann, in Germany the brand adopted is different ( HSR ? ) .
In addition there is an Italian dealer, not on Ebay , that can import the instrument, but ( and only now I understand why !! ) he refuse to support in any way if a Barrington oboe is defective. Obviously he support/ replace all other oboe brands ( Buffet,Selmer, Fossati, Bulgheroni etc... )
BTW now my Barrington sounds good and I'm happy with it , but my feeling is not to recommend a buy of it on Internet..