Author: ohsuzan
Date: 2005-06-15 16:00
Dutchy --
You are absolutely not alone in your struggle with this fingering. It is one I still have to think about, and to some extent prepare for. I especially have trouble leaping into it from below. But it comes much easier with time and repetitions. It is a very useful fingering to have -- legato is simply not possible in many passages without it.
And as far as switching to clarinet, forget about it! Clarinetists have to contend with four (sometimes five) r.h. pinkie keys, and three (sometimes four) left hand pinkie keys, which initially feel as non-intuitive as the oboe alt Eb does. Shortly before I switched (permanently) to oboe, I got a clarinet with the optional left-hand Eb, and I never did get used to it.
You'll get used to it. Eventually.