Author: GoodWinds ★2017
Date: 2011-01-01 23:55
I can't speak to such things as micrometer readings, but I have the same 'thing' in my reedmaking (which is nothing like yours in terms of quantity or quality, I think): tend to make sl. short reeds, 68-69 mm then of a sudden turn out several over 70 mm that play well. Maybe it has something to do with the cane or my health or the weather or the dimensions of the staple (I favor brass), but this has been going on for years now and I can make little sense of it.
My longer reeds tend to last longer too, and I haven't had much trouble with them playing flat; usually when one reed in my box is flat, there are four or five others, all differing lengths; when the weather changes, they 'up' in pitch. And sometimes they all tend toward sharpness...
Too many factors here. I keep coming back to the mantra of my teacher: 'cut them so they play'. He aimed for reeds with a 'cane length' of 1 inch (after Gomberg) but never criticized my reeds for their look or length, only how they played.
So although I review 'proper' reedmaking techniques from time to time, I settle back into that mode of intuitive and use the measurements as a general guide only.
Hope others can help you figure this puzzle out!