Author: WoodwindOz
Date: 2011-04-28 15:59
Thanks, Mary.
I am all too familiar with most of those sensations in my feet (ex-ballet dancer, and still paying for it!), but thankfully not in my hands. Experience in that area has taught me well not to ignore certain symptoms. I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't play!
I have done a small amount of research this evening, and it seems as though stress ball exercises and simply squeezing into a fist and releasing are the prominent strengthening exercises. If I do get the cramping when I play, I find I can relieve it somewhat just by simple massage and stretching, as you say.
In ballet, we used to discuss diet in relation to muscle fatigue and cramping (magnesium and potassium are the main culprits, I believe), so it might pay for me to look at this as well.
And it may or may not be related, but I have had no time to work on my reeds at home, and I am spending a good amount of time adjusting reeds prior to rehearsing, and of course, gripping the reed knife with my right hand. Lesson: don't leave big adjustments until rehearsal time!