Author: DulcetEmblem
Date: 2004-12-07 23:05
The tips already made by everyone are really good, but there's really no substitute to just sitting down and messing with your oboe and the various reeds in your possession to find out which reed sounds best, and which angle, embouchure, degree of pressure, source of pressure, amount of reed, etc, are right for you. Read about and try everything you can think of. That's the only really sure way to get a good tone.
That said, here's what I usually have to remind myself not to mess up on.
It usually helps me, for some reason, to place my upper lip slightly ahead of my lower one. The more upper lip I can get on the reed, I find, the more even and consistent the tone. The sound does seem to become a lot reedier in proportion to the amount of reed taken in, so I try not to take in a whole bunch unless I'm aiming to sound reedy. If I'm flat, I find it helps to tense my jaw and the corners of my mouth. The angle of the instrument is also important; again, it helps a whole lot if you experiment with this.
Best of luck, and hope I've been of some help! ^^