Author: bradfordlloyd
Date: 2012-04-28 12:06
Drew: It's not offensive at all. I asked for opinions/thoughts and you gave me much to think about. It's good advice and I thank you for it.
Just one question (and it's really the core of why I'm interested in a sax-fingered oboe at all): If the oboe embouchure/reeds are so tough to learn/master (and I know from talking to others that they are), then why not start practicing on a sax-fingered oboe just for fun (or, as you smartly suggest, with teacher)?
I'm not talking about doubling on it (well, not anytime soon), I'm talking about working on an aspect of the horn while I can noodle around with the fingerings and enjoy at least part of it? If I like it and I want to get more serious, I'll plop down several thousand for a decent oboe. How many frustrated oboist have quit early on because it's just too hard and they didn't find a part of it to enjoy?
To be a clarinet/sax guy, I've never fully understood the oboists penchant for self-flagellation and sacrifice. I love the sound of the horn, but I'm not sure I'm ready to buy into the mindset and culture associated with it (I mean, make your own reeds, are you kidding?)