Author: vboboe
Date: 2009-01-03 00:54
67mm & flat?
Consistently cutting too flat?
U-scrape design
Is this 'short scrape' (scraped area is about 50% of cane's lenth from tip to thread)
or 'long scrape' ? (scraped area is more than 50% of reed's length, goes down to 4-5mm above thread)
OK, Claire70, based on your description of U scrape, 67&flat, it reads as if the 'sides' are proportionately too thin with the well defined (and proportionately too thick) midline, but don't clip the tip or thin the midline just yet!
in this situation, if this flat 67mm U-scrape was my reed, i'd blow-test it in five places as follows before doing anything else -- results of this diagnostic will determine if this reed's salvagable or a goner already
1. tip edge
2. meaured middle of the U-scraped area between full bark and tip
3. lower back boundary of U-scraped area at the bark line
4. at the thread (the crow, below the bark)
5. the easiest place on this particular reed to sustain a consistent long tone
(what measurement along midline from tip is that?)
-- what pitch readings do you get on the tuner in these places?