Author: HautboisJJ
Date: 2011-07-20 11:21
Some sad sad updates....
"Hello Howard,
All this is a great problem.
I don't have the oboe right know!! I wait for the German Taxpaper to get your oboe without problems.
I hope you understand, I can't pay 1500 € to get your oboe. Buffet told me, they don't take the oboe
from Malaysia. this is our problem I have to arrange everything!!!!
Now the next problem, in France nobody works in August! When I get the oboe, I made my repair
I told you before and send it back to you. The most Players with this problem do not
Change the first part!! And they are very happy with my repair, trust me.........
I will do my best!! But sorry, you have to wait.
Best wishes
After DHL told me that the oboe was stuck in customs for more than a week, it turns out that the oboe has never really left customs. Of course i trust herr XXX to repair my oboe, but what i really want is a REPLACEMENT top joint, and please tell me, how does a company of such reputation as Buffet NOT work for a whole month? Unbelievable.
Hearing a comment like "the most players with this problem" means that MANY people have encountered the same breaking tenon. The Buffet oboe is a wonderful design with the sweetest tone ( 2 weeks ago i played on a Buffet student model wooden oboe that was a complete joy to work on despite it's weak mechanism and its non existent 3rd octave key, yes you can press it but it does nothing whatsoever haha), but without a tenon it is worth nothing if just to look at. By all means, AVOID! How can i, a professional musician who relies on my oboe for a living ever regain trust in such a company?
I am now without an oboe for at least 2 months then. TRAGEDY. Trying to rent something substantial. What a mess i have gotten myself into. And for people who are enthusiastically going into the oboe (as a career path), i give you my most sincere warning, think carefully, this is the reality of things!