Author: oboedrew
Date: 2008-07-15 18:29
I absolutely concur with vboboe and ogre that this passage calls for regular Db fingering (perhaps with the right hand fingers left down on the C natural sandwiched between Db's). There are times when one can get away with using short fingerings for Db, but in my opinion it's usually best to do so only when the Db is 1) a neighbor tone (sandwiched between B naturals or C naturals, for example) that goes by very quickly at the desired tempo, 2) not tongued, and 3) not on a strong beat, a strong part of a beat, or otherwise accented. In cases where these conditions are met, the inferior tone quality of the short fingering may go unnoticed.
And while we're on the topic of short/trill fingerings for Db, have you tried fingering a C natural and then lifting the left hand first finger? I find that this one has a better pitch and tone on many oboes than the "standard" one that uses the trill key.