Author: jhoyla
Date: 2008-05-18 07:33
Thanks, Claire70 and Ceri, This throws a lot more light on things.
Claire70, you say "he scrapes out a millimetre or two along the edge, which he says that you should be able to feel as a kind of ridge". Is this along the edge of the bark (i.e., across the back of the lay) or along the sides of the lay to the tip?
Scraping the sides to the tip should free up the vibrations in the tip, if I understand anything at all about reedmaking. Scraping out along the edge of the bark at the back of the lay should isolate the tip vibrations, making them oscillate independently from the back. Maybe this is the aim?
Regarding the small piece of tubing, or elastic or whatever - I have found this to be invaluable in my reedmaking, since the tightly folded cane practically centers itself on the staple. Wiggle the staple a few times and you can be certain it is sitting in the ideal position. It also holds the overlap to the correct side and gives an even overlap all the way up the reed. It has nothing to do with measuring (which I do also).I use a few wraps of cling-film to do the same job as the elastic.
I can tie without this, but often find one side closing before the other, and then I have to nudge it into a new position, etc. etc. The elastic takes all the guesswork out of it.
Thanks for all your help!