Author: carrielj
Date: 2007-07-10 10:08
Hello, My son who is 12 just started playing the oboe after switching from Clarinet. He's had instruction daily for about 3 weeks. I'm having the biggest problem with him, he only likes the one reed that his instructor hand scrapped for him. His instuctor is no longer with us and now my son is having the hardest time accepting any other reed. I've tried Gower, Fox, Jones, Laurie, Emerald, Fibracell and plastic. He always finds something wrong with the reeds and claims he cannot play them. I've bought them all in a hardness of Medium and checked that they were not cracked, split or too closed off. What do I do next? I play the clarinet and can play and am aware of reed issues, but deal with them. I switched to Legere, I wish he had that option. Any input would be greatly appreciated.