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 Re: Water in the Vents - now what?
Author: Chris P 
Date:   2007-04-24 09:16

If the 8ve vents are blocked, take the top joint off as well as the reed, close all the fingerholes with your left hand and stop the tenon with any finger on your right hand.

Now blow into the joint and open the back 8ve to blow out the water, and then open the top 8ve as this will close the lower vent and blow out the water in the top vent (and blot it with absorbant paper if you have an extra hand free!). Switch both 8ves while doing this to get rid of the water. Also do the same thing, but suck the air out instead, and run the pullthrough through the top joint afterwards.

Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010

The opinions I express are my own.

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ohsuzan 2007-04-24 01:01 
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vboboe 2007-04-24 02:15 
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HautboisJJ 2007-04-24 03:53 
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ohsuzan 2007-04-24 04:08 
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vboboe 2007-04-24 05:13 
 Re: Water in the Vents - now what?  
Chris P 2007-04-24 09:16 
 Re: Water in the Vents - now what?  new
HautboisJJ 2007-04-24 09:19 
 Re: Water in the Vents - now what?  new
Chris P 2007-04-24 10:23 
 Re: Water in the Vents - now what?  new
ohsuzan 2007-04-24 12:12 
 Re: Water in the Vents - now what?  new
Craig Matovich 2007-04-24 12:33 
 Re: Water in the Vents - now what?  new
Chris P 2007-04-24 12:43 
 Re: Water in the Vents - now what?  new
hautbois 2007-04-24 16:19 
 Re: Water in the Vents - now what?  new
Craig Matovich 2007-04-24 17:37 

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