Author: Dutchy
Date: 2006-11-22 14:46
Well, I'm using it on reeds that are "oh no, this reed is losing it" already deteriorating in the first place. And yeah, it changes the reed's quality somewhat (I think a broken-in reed must need a certain level of gunkiness to function well), but then again, by that point in the reed's career, I don't care. Drop it in, soak it, get a bit more use out of it. I think it's worth the tradeoff.
And, anyway, Doublereeder2 is talking about only a fast dip in the solution to kill germs on the surface, not a long soak to dissolve gunk, and on brand-new reeds, too. I don't see how a quick dip and a rinse afterwards would change a brand-new reed's quality.