Author: ohsuzan
Date: 2012-06-06 21:19
Once again, I am impressed with the stability of your embouchure and the general good quality of your tone, as well as the fluidity with which you play.
I especially am impressed with the tone quality on your high notes. I think you have got yourself one heck of an oboe, and I don't know where you are getting your reeds, but they also must be quite good.
Just a note on the embouchure -- before you get too set in your habits. The corners of your mouth are tending to pull back, and this indicates to me that the center roundness -- like a pucker for a kiss, or like sucking on a straw -- may not be there. I would like to see the center of your lips more rounded around the reed. This will also have the effect of opening the pharynx (aka "dropping the jaw") more, which is a good thing.
But really, I would have you in my section already, if you lived nearby!