Author: d-oboe
Date: 2007-05-01 14:03
Everyone is saying longer tie on=smaller opening...but isn't the reverse true?
The reason is, a longer tie length makes the reed narrower, and thus makes a more "circular" aperture. It's the same principle as using narrower diameter cane.
( - See "reed too sharp, opening too small")
I do notice that with a longer tie length, the reed is *initially* more closed, but once I finally clip back to ~70mm the reed with the longer tie length has a narrower, more circular opening, whereas the shorter tie length has a wider, flatter opening. (the difference isn't huge, but it's there)
The confusion? *Finished reeds*: given that all variables, including tie length, are the same, a longer finished reed will have a smaller opening, whereas a shorter finished reed will have a larger opening. Why? A longer finished reed is built in the wider, flatter part of the cane, whereas the shorter reed is built in the narrower, more open part of the cane.