Author: ohsuzan
Date: 2011-05-25 13:53
I have heard from others that giving their older reeds a quick soak in a dilute peroxide solution (the kind you would use on wounds) revives a flagging reed and extends its life . I have tried this, but can't report much of an effect, one way or the other.
I've also tried the ultrasonic cleaner, and likewise discerned no particular effect of doing that.
What I DO sometimes find effective is a combination of plain ol' Sterisol (again, a dilute solution) and a SOFT COTTON pipe cleaner. Here's what to do:
Get the reed nice and wet first. Then dip the pipe cleaner in the Sterisol, and carefully run it up through the reed from the tube end like a bottle brush. Go as far as you are comfortable. If you've got a reed with a dicey overlap or precarious tip, I wouldn't go all the way through the tip.
You would be amazed (or, maybe not . . .) at the gunk that sometimes comes out of the reed via this process. In my experience, it can have a good, renewing effect if foreign matter is inhibiting the reed's vibration.
For simple sanitization, you can also just dip the reed quickly into the Sterisol, or spray it inside and out with the solution.
Teachers have used Sterisol for years when they try their students' reeds/mouthpieces. You can buy it everywhere (including Amazon). Here's a link to the mfgr's page, explaining what is in it. I read this information, but still have no idea what it is. Chemists?
Disclaimer: I have no connection whatsoever with the company that makes Sterisol, or with any company that sells it. I just use it.