Author: GoodWinds ★2017
Date: 2011-04-10 00:35
fashion or function? This thread's getting a little on the mystical side...
I'm with Craig in using different colors to identify which reeds have different make-up, as in shape or staple length or cane source. FUNCTION!
I also have my aesthetic preferences, of course: the darker blues, purples, reds, and greens look more like professional reeds in my box than the Peach, White, Light Blue... FASHION!
But I wouldn't say in the end that my best reeds end up being any certain color at all. My reedbox ends up looking a little like Amy's, featured on Oboes for Idgets web page. VARIETY!
Once long ago when I was still in high school, I would add color to my reeds by applying the most sparkly nail polish to about half the wrap. Even then I considered it more Experimental than Cool, though. And the smell cured me of the practice almost immediately...
Have fun out there.