Author: HautboisJJ
Date: 2010-03-29 23:32
Rigoutat generally has a sagging problem in the crucial areas and 2nd octave that exist to a certain extend on all French makes, a bigger shape such as -2 will causes more problems than solve one unless the reed is made to overlap, but i do not recommend such a method when making reeds with short scrape though it is certainly possible. (A small number of reknowned reed makers i know do it on short scrape reeds with fantastic results)
A narrower staple improves the crucial areas but further sags the 2nd octave. A bigger staple lifts up the 2nd octave but makes the crucial areas impossible unless nothing is scraped off! After all, like the Chinese saying goes, it doesn't matter which route you take, one will reach the same goal anyhow, and in oboe playing, the beauty of it is in that everyone takes a different path and ends up in a different spectrum of beauty (one hopes!).