Author: hautbois
Date: 2007-11-23 18:52
If Chris P's suggestion or the suggestions of others that you check the half-hole for lint do not help, and you are convinced your reeds are not the problem, it might be that the weather has changed enough to make a significant difference in the size and shape of the bore and toneholes of your instrument. If a trip to your repairperson does not find a solution, you could either send the instrument back to the manufacturer to have its dimensions checked, and possibly reemed out, or you could wait until the weather turns warmer and moister next spring and in the interim use the open half-hole fingering to get the D to speak, learning to modify the pitch with embouchure. The pitch can also be lowered somewhat by tightening the screw which regulates the height at which the half-hole sits over the tonehole, checking to see that you are not ruining the pitch or tone of the C# in the process.