Author: Chris P
Date: 2007-11-23 14:21
Adjust the screw on the low C key touch to alter the venting of the RH mid fingerplate to see if this does anything to the top D (either way so it reduces or increase the venting) - but only by a small amount each time (by a few degrees as opposed to quarter turns) so if you do over adjust it either way, it won't be too far out of adjustment and easy to put back.
And if you use the low C key when you play top C#, check the C# hasn't been affected by any (small) adjstments you've made.
If for any reason you now can't get low C,B or Bb (and the mid fingerplate is closed completely while the low C key is closed), you've adjusted it too much, so back the screw off so the mid fingerplate opens and start again, checking it each time, both the high D and C# until you find it works better.
The perforation in the mid fingerplates on Marigaux oboes is small, so it is critical you get the correct opening that works for you while the low C key is closed.
Former oboe finisher
Howarth of London
1998 - 2010
The opinions I express are my own.
Post Edited (2007-11-23 14:22)