Author: vboboe
Date: 2007-09-02 01:02
... JudyP you might find some additional upper body-work exercises helpful, oboe wouldn't obey gravity as easily if you regularly lift even the lightest hand-weights, us silver ladies have to replace what the years and modern conveniences sneak away, i mean what modern woman usually kneads her own bread, wrings the wash by hand, whisks eggwhites or cream into stiff peaks with a fork, or creams the butter & sugar for afternoon tea-cake by hand every single day?
saw a petite E-horn lady (definitely not young, but younger than us) playing earlier this year, took her jacket off for her solo at front stage, wow, she was totally stacked in the shoulders and upper arms, no neck sling needed to support her horn, she carried it like a feather, and her total height in heels was maybe as much as an oboe plus the E-horn itself -- she obviously had a weighty fitness routine, female muscles like that don't develop otherwise
playing angle of E-horn plays more to the floor than oboe should