Author: Dutchy
Date: 2009-01-02 12:54
Alcohol is also acidic, generally.
Isopropyl alcohol is neither acid nor alkaline; like all alcohols, they are neutral pH, or 7. Cite. Note down towards the bottom where it says under "pH"--"N/A" or Not Applicable.
wikipedia has an informative article (hopefully correct) about rubbing alcohol, including its presumed effectiveness as a germ killer
From the Wiki article:
As an antiseptic it is good against vegetative bacteria and fair against fungi and viruses, but is ineffective against spores.
Those individual alcohol swabs that diabetics use, and that nurses use to clean off your arm before giving you an injection or an IV, are soaked in 70% isopropyl alcohol.
So yeah, rubbing alcohol kills bacteria.
And it's not acid, so it won't hurt the reed.