Author: ohsuzan
Date: 2008-05-03 14:02
Hey, Chuck!
Congrats to you for your accomplishments on the oboe thus far!
Do you trust your teacher? If so, trust her that the pieces she has chosen are well within your range of expertise. If not, maybe you have some other choices that you would want to suggest to her.
What does she say about your fingers/fingering? Hand position? Are you keeping your fingers curved, relaxed, and close to the instrument? It took me quite a while to un-learn my ill-tutored clarinet habits vis-a-vis the oboe, and one of the things was to learn that you don't need much finger pressure, and thus can let your fingers hover lightly just above the keys. Closer to the keys = quicker response time.
As far as recitals go in general, it will help if you can look at it as an opportunity to have a performance experience, for better or for worse. You might find out that you really love performing -- or you might find out that you don't. At this point, if you haven't done it, you don't know. Relish the opportunity!
I can also say, from my own experience, that the process of preparing for and presenting my first oboe recital (four years ago now!) led to enormous growth in my playing ability. Knowing that I was going to have to play something in public led me to take the time to focus on the little things that I usually just glossed over. Getting a small thing EXACTLY right instead of just "sorta" right makes a big difference in the overall quality of your playing. Work on the small details, and the large ones will take care of themselves!