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 Topics Author  Replies  Last Post
  Gigliotti H2 Clarinet / rubber new pplateau  2007-08-25 00:38 
  Tucson Symphony Audition results new hartt  2007-08-24 19:41 
  Etiquette...again new bmcgar  48  2007-08-24 11:12 
  long tones new Bubalooy  14  2007-08-24 09:54 
  purchasing a C clarinet new eddyline  51  2007-08-24 08:05 
  Boston 2nd position new clarinetist04  2007-08-24 07:41 
  New Music for Clarinet: Perspective Sought... new Ski  14  2007-08-24 03:35 
  Instrument shops in Amsterdam, Brussels new Mike Blinn  14  2007-08-23 20:22 
  I've heard cancellation excuses before but ..... new DavidBlumberg  23  2007-08-23 20:04 
  Tonguing new nes  2007-08-23 19:36 
  Yamaha ycl 250 vs 450 ?? new Winston  2007-08-23 16:43 
  If Brahms' 1st is Beethoven's 10th... new Chris P  20  2007-08-23 08:58 
  Robert Thibaud Clarinet new perryg114  2007-08-23 04:22 
  What to do about conductors new OmarHo  27  2007-08-23 01:22 
  M13L mouthpiece in relation to reed size new Lex  10  2007-08-22 19:10 
  Books DVD's to assists in learning new Paumartin  2007-08-22 17:20 
  Best place for service/overhaul in London? new Morrigan  2007-08-22 15:06 
  Change of fingering on the same note new eddiec  14  2007-08-22 05:12 
  Widest Tip Opening Available? new TeeCeeGee  17  2007-08-22 00:03 
  Penderecki Sextett new Sylvain  2007-08-21 22:50 
  Lazarus method question new Philip Caron  2007-08-21 21:12 
  Questions about Finale (the computer program) new jendereedknife  20  2007-08-21 19:48 
  Alto clarinet ligature new clarnibass  11  2007-08-21 17:43 
  Reed and Brass doublers new Bill G  11  2007-08-21 14:06 
  The Law of Practicing new shmeon  19  2007-08-21 05:56 
  Break a leg new MichaelR  15  2007-08-21 05:53 
  Barrel Shopping new Caco185  14  2007-08-21 04:59 
  FLATTERZUNGE new William  2007-08-21 00:27 
  allora source new rtmyth  2007-08-20 23:38 
  Old Craftsman Clarinet new julesz  2007-08-20 23:15 
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