The Oboe BBoard
Author: Jaysne
Date: 2007-10-26 13:54
As someone who has never made my own reed but knows how much better they are than the store-bought kind, I'm somewhat intimidated by the whole idea of learning how to do it.
From what I've read and the folks I've spoken to, it seems like making your own reeds is an extremely rarefied skill, shrouded in mystery that you can only learn at the feet of a master and even then it takes years to do it correctly. Forget trying to learn from a book or video; you need to be looking over the shoulder of an expert, and then your puny skills need to be honed through long hours of trials and errors. And this doesn't even address the hundreds of dollars you need to invest into tools and cane.
So this is probably a bit exaggerated on my part, but for those who do it, how much toil and trouble are really involved? Was I overstating the case by a lot?
Reed making |
Jaysne |
2007-10-26 13:54 |
ohsuzan |
2007-10-26 14:51 |
d-oboe |
2007-10-26 23:24 |
jendereedknife |
2007-10-28 21:47 |
2007-10-26 14:55 |
Bobo |
2007-10-26 15:21 |
Jaysne |
2007-10-27 23:43 |
d-oboe |
2007-10-28 00:39 |
hautbois |
2007-10-28 22:06 |
d-oboe |
2007-10-28 23:32 |
cjwright |
2007-10-29 16:42 |
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