Author: cjwright
Date: 2007-04-26 17:49
Hey Bobo,
You know I consider myself a "Weber Student", right? When I worked with him a couple of months ago, I came away with tons of his reeds in hand and his concept of embouchure and air support. It's very flexible, very beautiful, and works incredibly for him, but takes a very special kind of reed, and very special kind of embouchure, that I've never seen anyone master as well as he. Even Martin Schuring another de Lancie student who I also took a lesson with while I was in Phoenix, doesn't have a set-up even close to what Weber does.
Oboeblank mentions "floating the tone", which I've never heard anyone do better than Mr. Weber. But I still don't understand how his airstream works. All I know is that when he decrescendo, he does it with his air, but doesn't bite or increase lip pressure at all. You would think "hm.... if he backs off with air, then his pitch must naturally drop, right?" but he pulls the corners of his mouth back like the joker in batman as he decrescendo correspondingly with his air, so as to keep the pitch stable. He says this is a de Lancie thing.
Anyways, yeah, The Weber book is great, BUT my point is don't try to make reeds just like Weber if you can't get everything else working like him. I have to tweak my reeds and setup a lot to incorporate some of his concepts, and compensate for my lack of ability.
BTW, who did/do you study with currently oboeblank? Philly school? Did you ever study with Ferillo at any point?