Author: vboboe
Date: 2007-01-06 04:52
Hey, cabin feverite, isn't bboard a boon?
At the moment, here's what i'm doing
- still in student stage and expect to be awhile longer, so using ye average bundles of ready-to-use cane (in my situ, don't expect to go up to DIY from tube cane, so gougers & shapers moot)
- standard 47 brass staple (much lower elevation than you, don't need 46)
- tie to close sides of cane, final length may have to adjusted to get this but prefer 73.5 as an average
- 75 tie-on length generally too long for cane i get, aperture too flat
- tie only to 47mm, otherwise crimp throat of reed
- use! mandrel in tube for tying on, otherwise crimp tube {:-[
- wrap directly off the thread spool, right thumbskin max tolerance about 5 reeds in a sitting (6 if feeling masochistic or guilty about catching up)
- use a 'handle' to tighten thread while knotting off, saves precious fingers for playing
- if sides close shorter than 47, usually go to 47 anyway, esthetics
- usually debark base of cane (3mm) so it tapers nicely, thread doesn't have to jump off ledge to meet tube
- prefer to wind thread down over tube to cork, esthetics
- having fun with multi-color thread at the moment, and hey, bonus! it's easier to recognise different reeds
- after tying on, usually scrape down tip section from 70mm to fold about 50% when making batch supply of blanks, then dry and store unclipped
- prefer not to slip blades, but when they often do by themselves on the wrong side, ahem, uh, i trim the sides
- tightness of last 5 thread winds to 47 often determines if reed will stay open (tight enough) or collapse (too loose at the neck), or doesn't leak while tie-on wet (tight enough), but leaks when dried out to playing moistness (too loose)
If 'making' reed right after tying on, i only rough-in tip, heart & back, clip tip at 72, thin it enough so knife doesn't click or can get anything like a peep, tone or crow -- then leave it to dry for finishing another day -- i find making reeds from cane wet enough to tie are usually too wet to finish, ithey're just not the same tomorrow, but if i had to get it right to play today, chances are reed wouldn't be any good tomorrow
As for getting good playable reeds, i'm still working at that bit ... wastage isn't encouraging just now and that's where i'm 'stuck in cabin' at the moment