Author: cjwright
Date: 2007-01-06 11:26
I'm currently using two shapers:, Weber 1-B, and Weber 1-C, which are the approximate width of a Gilbert -1, and a Gilbert 1 but with a more stable curve.
The Weber 1-B seems to fit well tied at 73, and Mr. Weber suggests to stop tying at 46mm (leaving an extra 1mm until the end of the tube.)
The Weber 1-C seems best for me to tie at 74, and tie it off at 47 or 1 wrap-around short of 47.
My Weber 1-B ends up making reeds around 70, the Weber 1-C makes reeds at 69.5
Finally, I've never found that wrapping the last 5 wraps differently effect the opening. I usually pull pretty hard to insure the best possible tightness.