Author: ohsuzan
Date: 2005-11-08 15:06
<<I am frightend to think that I would have to go throught the entire process with oboe, sans the different pitched instruments.>>
Ah, but once you have ONE oboe, it is not nearly enough (just like having one clarinet).
First, perhaps you buy a student model, to test your resolve about learning the oboe.
Then you buy an intermediate, because you really (really!) need that left-hand F.
And after a while, you begin to appreciate the refinements of oboe tone and the responsiveness of the keywork, and you realize you just HAVE to have a Loree-Laubin-Covey-Yamaha 841, etc. etc.
And then you realize that, if you are playing a lot, you need TWO pro instruments -- for the times that one or the other of them is in the shop (a more regular occurrence with oboes than with clarinets, I assure you).
And then you find that you would have occasional usefulness for a Cor Anglais, so you figure you need one of those.
And then you get totally hooked on the Baroque, and realize that an Oboe d'Amore is the instrument of choice, and you don't have one, so you NEED one!
I'm just glad I didn't fall in love with the bassoon.
(A former clarinetist who switched to oboe and never looked back -- currently at Step #3 of the purchasing process)