The Oboe BBoard
Author: rgombine
Date: 2005-09-30 16:15
ohsuzan --
I haven't posted in awhile, so what the heck . . .I'll jump in on this.
I think the root of the perception of the oboe as a difficult instrument to play can be attributed to its long, shallow learning curve. If you are playing saxaphone or flute or (yes) clarinet, you get to a point where your playing doesn't sound like a wounded animal much sooner than you do on the oboe. .
I think a lot of factors contribute to this longer road to "playability". The mechanics and physics of the instrument IS finicky. People are reluctant to lay out a lot of cash for a nice oboe while still a beginner and so get stuck with some sort of dreadful student instruments that magnifies five fold all of the irritating characteristics present in even the best instruments.
And then there are the reeds, which I feel can be a HUGE barrier to "playability", especial if you are a grade school student who is not studying with a professional oboist.
Finally, there is the matter of sheer exposure that oboists face. Most of the other wind sections are larger than the oboe section (at least in band). You've got other comerades-in-arms to hide behind and less opportunity for your mistakes to be trotted out for the world to hear. This provides a safety in numbers to cushion you while you are working on trying to get a more presentable set of chops.
While some people are truly driven to play a particular instrument, I think that most people need to achieve a certain level of proficiency on an instrument to have an enjoyable playing experience. The barriers I have outline, ufortunately, create a "perfect storm" which lead many would-be players to drop out of the game before they reach a satisfying level of proficiency. . . and make prospective players think twice!
Just my thoughts!
kroboe |
2005-09-30 11:24 |
ohsuzan |
2005-09-30 14:58 |
rgombine |
2005-09-30 16:15 |
vboboe |
2005-10-02 19:24 |
d-oboe |
2005-10-02 21:50 |
ohsuzan |
2005-10-02 22:40 |
vboboe |
2005-10-07 17:24 |
Critter |
2005-10-07 14:54 |
wkleung |
2005-10-07 17:44 |
Critter |
2005-10-07 20:27 |
d-oboe |
2005-10-07 22:09 |
sömeone |
2005-10-08 03:57 |
ohsuzan |
2005-10-07 15:11 |
sömeone |
2005-10-08 03:52 |
Oboeman14 |
2005-10-28 19:12 |
Critter |
2005-10-28 19:30 |
Oboeman14 |
2005-10-28 19:37 |
Mark Charette |
2005-11-30 02:36 |
absinthe |
2005-10-10 21:10 |
ohsuzan |
2005-10-28 21:23 |
d-oboe |
2005-10-29 13:00 |
sömeone |
2005-10-29 14:33 |
oboist |
2005-10-29 20:38 |
Oboeman14 |
2005-10-30 02:19 |
oboemelli |
2005-11-06 13:56 |
Ron Jr. |
2005-11-08 14:50 |
ohsuzan |
2005-11-08 15:06 |
HautboisJJ |
2005-11-08 16:00 |
Ron Jr. |
2005-11-09 19:34 |
Oboeman14 |
2005-11-09 21:16 |
vboboe |
2005-11-10 06:50 |
Ron Jr. |
2005-11-10 13:27 |
HautboisJJ |
2005-11-10 13:32 |
ohsuzan |
2005-11-30 13:46 |
oboist |
2005-12-01 19:04 |
HautboisJJ |
2005-12-02 06:42 |
oboist |
2005-12-02 07:37 |
HautboisJJ |
2005-12-02 08:26 |
oboist |
2005-12-07 18:51 |
HautboisJJ |
2005-12-08 15:07 |
oboist |
2005-12-08 17:38 |
HautboisJJ |
2005-12-09 12:19 |
oboist |
2005-12-09 15:16 |
HautboisJJ |
2005-12-09 15:18 |
oboist |
2005-12-09 17:16 |
oboist |
2005-12-10 17:10 |
Shelley |
2005-12-09 17:14 |
sylvangale |
2005-12-09 19:47 |
ohsuzan |
2005-12-09 21:01 |
sylvangale |
2005-12-10 06:27 |
sylvangale |
2005-12-10 07:19 |
vboboe |
2005-12-12 06:58 |
Shelley |
2005-12-15 19:12 |
vboboe |
2005-12-16 07:56 |
ohsuzan |
2005-12-12 11:43 |
ohsuzan |
2005-12-15 22:06 |
sylvangale |
2005-12-16 17:45 |
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