Author: DrewSorensenMusic
Date: 2012-08-06 04:31
Hello Carole,
I think you're pretty much right on all counts and assumptions. The measurement discrepancy is just a rounding issue, so both measurements are correct, but the Hodge measurements are more exact.
Pisoni does seem to be the most V shaped tip available, not that I've seen every time imaginable, but of the ones I have, that seems to be the case. The Adam Samson tips are flared as well, probably not as much as the Pisoni.
I'll preface the next statement by saying I'm a woodwind doubler, and have not studied oboe with an oboist, but I am coming to be a respectable oboist, and have studied reed making intensely. Now that the disclaimer is out, in order to learn more about shapes, and not buy 10 different shaper tips, I shape my own cane with sandpaper (320 girt to be exact, 220 if I'm going a long distance). You could essentially start with your Brannen X (since it's the widest shape), and sand down from there, into the V shape. I have found that the measurements don't need to be exact, and you will come to understand how the shape effects the response of the reed. I start with Hodge shaped cane, Joshua +2, and from there I have made reeds comparable to the V flare you talk about, and reeds comparable to Joshua regular, all with sandpaper. I have also experimented with other shapes with good results. I guess what I'm saying is, if you ballpark a few reeds, then you will come to know in and around the basic shape suited to your playing style. Then you can make a conscious choice as to which shaper tip best fits you.
Good Luck,
Drew S.