Author: Dutchy
Date: 2008-04-15 02:58
i'm mystified how it might work, do explain further?
It has to do with affecting size and shape of the air column. This webpage explains it much better than I could, and this is a more geeky explanation. Basically an oboe is a vibrating column of air, and anything that breaks up that vibrating column of air will affect the pitch. This includes toneholes, and things like obstructions in the bore itself. Which would include a strip of tape.
So the inside bore of an oboe has been carefully designed to produce certain notes, which means certain frequencies, and anything you alter that affects the bore will affect the frequencies (notes) the bore can produce.
Viz and to wit, the differences between Fork F and Regular or Left-hand F. On my Fox, Fork F is noticeably sharper than Regular F, because it's a different combination of toneholes that affects which harmonics are produced out of the vibrating column of air.