Author: KML
Date: 2007-03-10 14:46
I am blessed with a child who is highly motivated to play the oboe. I was forced to play piano for six years and quit the instant I was allowed. My daughter took two clarinet lessons the summer after 3rd grade, asked if I would pay her allowance to practice, and was encouraged to quit if she didn't enjoy it. She did quit. Two years later, she took up clarinet again. She has now been playing the clarinet for almost two years. It was her choice to switch to oboe. I am somewhat concerned about the lack of challenge she is finding in junior high. She went from 6th grade in a small Catholic school to 7th grade in the local public school, and she never brings home homework. To me, the oboe can be her big challenge for the next year. She is not taking Band next year so that she can catch up to her peers with the oboe. The Band instructor was all for her switching to oboe but told me that his experience is that she won't continue in Band once she has dropped out. I can appreciate that that has been his experience, but I told him that I never have to nag her to practice (I am hounding my son to practice a lot), and she is the type of kid who does extra credit work even though she has a solid A in a class.
I was under the impression that Larilee is no longer a company. How do I reach them? Does anyone have the number?
I'll let her know about the board here. I am not musical and not interested in music but want to encourage my children. My 10 year old son has perfect pitch but not my daughter's motivation. The musical world is a whole different world, and I am not familiar with it.
Also, we were told this oboe that we bought is full conservatory. I hope it is, but I was wondering if anyone can direct me to a picture of a full conservatory oboe so that we can make sure that's what we have. We purchased the oboe yesterday and have until Monday to return it for full credit. Thank you.