Author: vboboe
Date: 2007-02-04 23:08
... thank you, thank you! doboe, for standing up strongly for very clear singing oboe, not dark warm and fuzzy!
... i do enjoy playing band melodies along with the trumpets (with a soprano sax in there) because i can let loose that brilliant clarity of oboe sound to ring with the brass, yay! (uh ... i didn't claim to be in tune with 'em working on that, thank goodness their fff's drown me, this is a training band i'm in)
... our band woodwind section is a bit thin at present, two flutes are junior with beginner embouchures so they don't do bright flute sound very well yet, and first isn't always there (nice and clear when she is), both our clarinets are pretty good, although first loves to squeak his clarion notes far too often (think he wants the attention it gets) and i'm actually sitting next to competant chalumeau second -- so ye oboe in the middle has to play fairly muted to bond and blend the woodwind section -- when my line is same or harmony with alto saxes, well, I just hafta warm fuzzie those few bars, why not, oboe's a versatile instrument
one of my fave moments was playing a rousing duet with my summer oboe teacher, branched out into teaching other wind instruments, brought in his mean trumpet, made me really blow to keep up dynamic balance (i needed the extra work in air support, clever teacher's trick eh?) -- but hey, oboe and trumpet sound WOW together
so my suggestion to Ashley is chum up with the trumpet section to practice getting the rich full sound you want. Trumpets have that metal ring to them that cues you to cut loose, and with such competition for practice, your oboe can 'ping' gorgeously too