Author: cjwright
Date: 2006-02-07 23:45
Yes, Everyone does. If he's trying to "slide" with his right hand Eflat to right hand Dflat, it's practically impossible. However, going up is a bit more feasible, unless you're a twelve year old with very small hands (which I remember being the case for myself).
Make sure he gets used to using the Left hand Eflat. Close to where his pinky rests (the Aflat key), is a rod which comes up the side of the second joint, and juts out with two or 3 buttons which the Left hand pinky comes close to. One of those buttons is for low Bnatural (all fingers covered, including half hole, plus the low B key), low Bflat (Sometimes this is missing on student models. If the bell has a tonal hole and pad, you know it have it,) and going the other way should be the left hand Eflat. So... in summary.
For a beginner...
going up: Right hand Dflat, Left hand Eflat, forked F
going down: Forked F, Left hand Eflat, right hand Dflat
going down: student can also try the right hand pinky slide from Dflat to Eflat, but unless the 12 year old has extraordinarily wide fingers, it's probably not suggested.
All of this changes a bit if the student has a left hand F model, which is a full conservatory model.