Author: RobinDesHautbois
Date: 2012-08-24 10:43
I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY agree with Bob on this!
The choice of cane diameter is a function of many considerations. The diameter will affect the reed's opening, but more importantly it will affect the reed's quality of "bounce-back": by this, I mean that scraping and tying and the choice of staple will affect the opening as much as the diameter, but the diameter (along with qualities of the cane itself) will affect how much the reed "wants" to open, or resist the closing effects of scraping etc..
Even with the same shaper tip and "hardness", different players will simply prefer different bounce-back qualities, so experience is your best bet. I would recommend buying pre-gouged cane for years before getting a gouger.
A final possibility, if you really insist on buying right away, buy the most average diameter possible: when the cane is wet, even if the cane diameter is too big or too small, it will settle-into the bed (pressed-down by the carriage) and then, the curve ratio between the blade and the bed will work well enough.
Robin Tropper
M.A.Sc., B.Mus., B.Ed.