Author: rgombine
Date: 2011-10-26 20:21
Hi, Claire.
I find the thing that effects my stamina a lot is the need to give notes extra help in the upper register. So, making a read "softer" didn't really help me, while making them more stable helped immensely.
There are many things that make a read more unstable, but for me (on an American Scrape) it was b/c I was taking too much cane out of the back, just behind the heart. Leaving more cane in this area has helped quite a bit.
Also, instead of "rolling in" or applying additional pressure w/ the embochure to bring up the pitch in upper register, I use gentle pressure from my left hand to push the reed down into the lips.
That said, I second and 3rd Dutchy's rec's for long-tones . . . hate those damn things, but they do work.