Author: vboboe
Date: 2009-04-20 18:45
quick tricks as temporary fixes
if it's actually the pad that's sticky, and not the mechanism that's binding
assuming the pad is dry and sticky (if wet, blot well on cig paper first)
draw a crisp, new, textured dollar bill through it, gently, a few times, alternating directions, with just the weight of the octave pad, keep hands off both pad cap and octave key
the rough texture of the money paper acts a bit like emery, but emery itself is much too thick to pass under this particular pad
if that isn't satisfactory, moisten a piece of thin cotton cloth (such as salvaged from an old under-shirt) with isopropanol 99% (rubbing alcohol isn't concentrated enough) and pull that through, gently, and after doing that, hold the pad open until it is fully dried
if it's the mechanism that's sticky, easiest fix would be a hint of key oil to free it up, or not as easy, the tiny cross-bar screw works a bit loose and that could be binding it
even if the quick temporary fixes work, or especially if it's the mechanism, read ChrisP's again, servicing in time is worth many a dime
just think of servicing a working oboe as something similar to changing the oil & filter regularly in a car, it's preventive maintenance
hm, nobody offers seasonal coupons for this routine service on oboes :-{