The Oboe BBoard
Author: johnt
Date: 2008-03-03 19:06
To play that sextuplet solo in the New World (which looks scary as all get out but really isn't), simply hold down simultaneously the left hand Eb key & the left hand G# key with your left pinky & move the fingers of your right hand. The only fingers moving on the left hand are the half-hole key (index finger) & first octave key (thumb) when appropiate. Then it is a piece of cake. If you try to move your left hand fingers to get each note, it's not. The other thing is to be sure not to rush it. The flutes will thank you for that.
It is also a way to play the extended oboe solos in the last movement of Schubert's Unfinished.
For all the music written in the keys of Ab major, E & beyond (i. e., more than four flats or sharps) there are usually places where this works nicely to one's advantage. Ralph Vaughn Williams The Folk Song Suite (Seventeen Come Sunday) where the middle portion of that is in 6/8 is another case in point. A few of the triplets can also be played this way.
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