Author: Dutchy
Date: 2007-06-13 02:43
I find a big difference between my two kinds of reeds, too. I've got Meg's and some that I got from CJ Wright and others, which have a "dark" flute/clarinet sound, especially in the upper register, and then the ones from Fox and Gower have that "bright", nasal, piercing oboe sound.
And you can look at them and see the difference: the "dark" reeds are longer and narrower in proportion, and have heavier hearts (on some makers to the extent of forming an obvious 1/4 inch "belt" of un-removed cane around the circumference of the reed), more distinct spines, and huge windows.
And the "bright" reeds are shorter and wider in proportion, and have less distinct spines, a heart that graduates more subtly into the tip, and no windows.
Two schools of thought. One instrument. Fascinating.