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 Re: "Oblivion" by Astor Piazzola
Author: ohsuzan 
Date:   2007-05-23 23:24

Hi Judy --

A triplet is a group of three equal (usually) notes performed over the same duration as two of the same sort of notes normally would be performed.

You can have triplets that look like eighth notes -- in which case, it would be three eighth notes in the space of two. You can also have triplets that look like quarter notes, or 16th notes, or half notes, or any other basic rhythmic division. But in every case, the rule holds: three whatevers performed in the space of two whatevers.

And, you can also reverse the process -- sometimes you will be asked to play TWO of something in the space of three. And it goes on and one and on. Fives and sevens (following the triplet principle) are pretty common in band music.

Here's a helpful (I hope) link to a very exhaustive online music dictionary:



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JudyP 2007-05-23 20:38 
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Dutchy 2007-05-23 22:51 
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ohsuzan 2007-05-23 23:24 
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JudyP 2007-05-24 00:39 
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cjwright 2007-05-24 01:52 
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JudyP 2007-05-24 04:02 
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HautboisJJ 2007-05-24 15:37 
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Bobo 2007-05-24 16:01 
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HautboisJJ 2007-05-24 23:45 
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Kai 2007-05-24 23:49 
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JudyP 2007-05-25 06:21 
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HautboisJJ 2007-05-25 02:17 
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Bobo 2007-05-25 02:42 

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