Author: Craig Matovich
Date: 2007-04-19 03:15
Great point about the head up and down differences. This relates to the acoustical 'spot' I refer to abut also employs differences in embouchure that cause exactly what your teacher describes.
I was thinking of starting another thread about 'knife-less' reed adjustments, and head orientation was one theme, but you fit it in here nicely.
One other boarder responding to the reed making businees thread mentioned he found his bought reeds good but dull and preferred a brighter quality himself.
Raising the angle, and thinning the lips on the reed a bit (a muscular technique) can do just that on demand.
As you point out, higher angle...brighter sound, lower angle...darker sound.
I would just add, 'thin the lips as well for a brighter sound', and this is a fairly advanced playing technique requiring a smaller tip opening and a very well-balanced reed. But good to know. Actually, I would even say demanding a reed that supports this aspect of playing is getting into the pro level of understanding and control. And related to that is getting reeds that really articulate easily.
Good stuff, my friend!
Post Edited (2007-04-19 03:23)