Author: DrewSorensenMusic
Date: 2012-03-30 14:25
I went over this thread again this morning, and it appears that Goodwinds and I make similar reeds. I would describe my reeds as scraped at the sides, and leaving the spine alone. I have two reeds of Cooper's that I purchased 4 months ago, and have kept as reference in my reed making. To my untrained eye it seems that Cooper scrapes more from the channels into the spine, leaving the sides untouched. These "fat" rails seem to extend to the top of the heart, and scraping at the sides only occurs where the tip meets the heart (I don't necessarily know if I'd call it blend at the sides, I think that's more of a center thing, but I'm probably wrong). Anyhow, I don't know what that all means, just an observation, and more for me to try later.
Sorry to disect your reeds Cooper, I hope I haven't done them any injustice. They are really great reeds!
Drew S.