Author: HautboisJJ
Date: 2011-10-27 11:23
You are right about the dangers of learning bad habits, the most dangerous being wrong sound production, check out my video:
If you are doing this right, i think there is not much to worry about, everything else should come in a straight forward manner. With this technique of sound production, embouchure will also "sit in" automatically to find the right position, and with short scrape reeds more 'red' of the lips should then roll into the mouth. As for other parts of oboe technique, i really cannot comment on what you should be careful about when i have never heard you play... but indeed, bad habits are very hard to remove!
As for reeds, since you are in Turkey, i suggest you google for K Ge Reeds (shanghai), David Cowdy (UK), Alan Greenless (Australia). I have tried all these reed makers and they all work to a certain extend, with VERY good reeds and O.K. reeds (like most reed makers...). The good French makers such as Le Roseau Chantant and Berthelot are good too but can be inconsistent and often producing heavy reeds. (but the CANE is fantastic, almost always!) I suggest also to try Emmeke Bressers, very conservative Dutch way of reed making, ask for lighter reeds and send my regards from Malaysia if you want to!