Author: Bobo
Date: 2008-11-16 15:53
I live in the northeast, and keep one of those little dial hygrometers in my oboe case in the reed case compartment, along with a small tobacco humistat filled with water. No need for the humistat when the hygrometer reads over 50 (late spring to early fall), but in winter when heat's blasting in the house and the air dries out, the reading gets as low as into the high 30s, which is good cracking weather. That's when the humistat is key. I also oil my newest oboe a couple of times a year during the dry months. It hasn't cracked yet (after a year and a half).
The other thing I recommend is buying a new oboe in the spring so that you have all summer to break it in during the humid warm weather.
Post Edited (2008-11-18 14:22)