Author: Dutchy
Date: 2008-09-24 15:29
Okay, basically I wondered if it was standard practice, so I guess it is. It's not likely I'll be needing to play the Dvorak solo any time soon, though, but I will work on it. My Fox 333, yes, does have heavier keywork than the Selmer 1492 I started on, and I can't see that the two keys are ergonomically designed, because they hinge in opposite directions. And yes, I'm using the flat part of my finger, and it still not working. But focusing on getting the Eb and letting the Ab take care of itself sounds good, and maybe tweaking the joints, I'll work on that. But I don't know any oboe technician who's competent enough to be entrusted with bending keys, and I don't need the function that badly anyway.
Thanks, all.