Author: vboboe
Date: 2008-09-23 05:49
OK, i'll try that out, confess i'm leaning towards twiddling the index fingers alternately for B and C# rather than nudging the C# trill, and i'm uncertain at this late hour without trying it first to say if it'd be easier to play basic A# (2 extra fingers Left & Right) or fork it (1 extra finger on top joint only), either way would probably hold LEb down as resonance to improve these otherwise raw notes so think forking would be more likely as the pinky stabilizes left hand already -- as well as lip it with low B in mind
<<the # sign -- under -- the turn indicates A# >>
Well tsk tsk Gekeler's got # --over -- the turn, so there's another quibble, wouldn't that make it A natural in this particular rendition?
<<I find that the finale with the trill, however, requires me to cut short the half note just before it to exhale and take a final gulp>>
exactly what i meant by running out of air, but there's such an opportunity with that note for some tenuto suspense by extending the dim rather than shortening it before the A#/B trill, that one needs to have air to do that plus subito cresc forte afterwards